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Trailing point Skinner


Note- Winning bidder will be responsible for final price plus shipping, and any sales tax if within Michigan

This trailing point skinner is one of two that I forged in February of this year in hopes of offering it to the folks on my notification list who have so patiently waited for the chance to own one of my pieces. Its damascus steel blade has a very keen edge for fine slicing cuts and has a very light in the hand feel.  All work on my creations is done entirely by me and painstakingly forge welded the blade steel from a mix of high-quality tool steels that I have rigorously tested and studied for years now.

The handle is a piece of very nice thuya burl, that I have been holding onto for some time to use on a special piece. I have treated the wood with Nelsonite for extra stability.

The leather sheath is made and tooled by me with a snakeskin inlay, with a forward release to match the blade style and keep the retaining strap clear of the very sharp edge.

Overall Length: 10″

Handle Length: 4.5″

Material: 160 layers twisted O-1/L-6/O-2

Grip: Premium Thuya Burl

Fittings: 160 layer O-2/ASTM-203 multi-bar composite of random welded to chevroned twists.


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